FAS 2010 is history - long live the memories!
Scroll down (or click) for further information.

Fri, Aug 13, 5-10 pm / Sat, Aug 14, 10 am-10 pm / Sun, Aug 15, 10 am-5 pm:

To contact Lisa Ladner (FAS), Jorge Castro (Noise Fest) and Andrés Lugo (GdEK)
write info [at] el-status.com!

- Texts related to the event and about Sound Art in Puerto Rico (pdf, updated Sept 12)
- Catalogue with works and projects and with the artists' bios (pdf, updated Sept 12)
- Review of live sets by Andrés Lugo (pdf, Spanish)
- Photos (Facebook)
- Media coverage/reviews: DaWire, El Nuevo Día (enlace | pdf),
  El naufragio de las palabras, Trance Liquido


Sun, Aug 13, 10 am to 6 pm:

"Kick That Habit"
by Peter Liechti (with Norbert Möslang and Andy Guhl aka Voice Crack, Switzerland),
1989, 42 min, > peterliechti.ch / > imdb.com

by Francisco López y Jorgen Simonet, 2003, 18 min, > franciscolopez.net

"People Who Do Noise"
by Adam Cornelius (about the experimental music of Portland, Oregon),
2008, 82 min, > filmbaby.com / > imdb.com

Beta Local, Calle Luna 208, Old San Juan. Entrance free.


Related event:

Fri, Aug 27, 2010:
El mundo músico-teatral de FRANCIS SCHWARTZ @ MAC

The music-theater world of Francis Schwartz came to life on Friday, August 27 , 2010 in the patio of San Juan's Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Santurce).

Distinguished performers from the world of music and theater interpretated some of Schwartz's best know compositions of the past 40 years -"Cannibal-Caliban", "Fashionable Music", "The Grey Road", "Lenguas III", "Overture For Those Who Arrive Late", "Chaqui, Chaqui, Bambula".

With Jay Hunsberger, "Sunshine" Logroño, Manuel Ceide, Francis Schwartz, Alea XXI, Nelson Rivera, Omar Obdulio Peña Forty and hundreds of audience-activists who form part of the peformance.

For details about Francis Schwartz' event at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC)
contact > museocontemporaneopr.org



There are only about 40 Puerto Rican (or Puerto Rico based) visual or plastic artists who dedicate themselves - non of them exclusively but many of them continuously - to producing sound art.

At the same time many local musicians have been declaring themselves sound artists, some of them since the 1980s. Both groups - that are by no means clearly divided as the FAS 08 has showed - have been and are trying to explore the world of sound beyond the usual, using body and voice, latest technologies and traditional instruments, natural and industrial sounds and much more as their palette.

Until now only a few works of sound art have found their way into contemporary art collections.

Audio sculptures, installations, performances, mp3 files, CDs or other multimedial pieces of art that include music or diverse sounds are not as easy to appreciate as paintings or traditional sculptures. But by integrating multiple disciplines they perfectly reflect the contemporaneity in contemporary art.

FAS 2010: Texts (pdf) | Catalogue (pdf)

FAS 08: The first Sound Art Fair FAS 08 has showcased mainly local artists and included talks about local sound related topics such as noise pollution. We invite you to look back on the successfull first Feria de Arte Sonoro, the FAS 08.


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